Monday, 9 September 2013

"Just write your dissertation in French so you can finish your degree"

Hello there,

This could end up being a really, really long post (longer than usual, which for someone like me would make it a 10,000 word essay or something) but I think I'll just break everything down slightly and put it in a nutshell.

I've been back in Manchester two weeks now, and only two and a half weeks remain until I go to France. All my friends on their years abroad seem to all be in their respective countries already!

But amazingly, everything seems to be coming into place quite nicely. The paperwork seems to be done (just needs organizing into one file!), finances seem to be in place (thank you Student Loan for being on time for once..!) and last but not least, amazingly so, I have found accommodation.

It was all very simple in the end. The teacher from my school contacted me and said the school could offer me a flat for 300 a month (so not too bad by Paris-y standards).

I was lost in a sea of adverts and flat share offers on Lokaviz and Leboncoin (I gave up on months ago because it appeared only creepy old guys contacted me on there) and I was starting to lose my head a bit. I Skyped my friend Marlena (au pair I met in Mallorca this summer) and told her that when she comes to visit me in Paris in November (flights booked) there was a possibility I would be homeless.

Sleeping under a bridge next to the Seine. Occasionally busking.

So naturally, I accepted the accommodation (not merely because I was getting desperate). There are clear pros: cheaper rent, I know the landlords are sound people, it is actually in Mennecy, right by the school. So I won't have to commute to get to work, which would otherwise be time-consuming and expensive.

There are a couple of cons (there are never simply just 'pros' in life, except for when referring to Daniel Craig).

  1. Mennecy is 37km from Paris
  2. The flat is unfurnished. And I mean, UN-furnished. Completely.

I will sort out problem number one by getting a bike. (a GOOD bike that functions).

Problem number two is admittedly, easily solvable ---> buy furniture. It just feels so final to buy furniture; the kind of thing you do if you're buying a house, not renting a place for 8 months. But there is a nearby Ikea (so cheaper options are available) and I'm sure there's some kind of French equivalent to Freecycle. I'll just have to scrounge around and make friends with people in the village quickly, and see if any of them are getting rid of a fridge or freezer and jump in on it.

There's also kind of a con-number-three: I think the accommodation is a studio flat, which means...I will be LIVING ALONE.

ALL BY MYSELF. Bridget-style.

That puts a seed of lonely doubt within my sociable and people-loving heart. I always envisaged myself living with some chatty, cultured and FUN Frenchies on my year abroad, with whom I could have aperos, drink wine, cook with and just generally talk non-stop about, well, what we love about France (because French people love France).

(Which puts me in mind of a certain housemate of mine)

In this photo, we were probably lamenting the fact that we were NOT in France.

Anyway, to summarize my flat is 37k from the capital, unfurnished and devoid of housemates. So in short, not what I would have envisaged for myself. Buuut....

I am not worried about being far away. I measured the distance from Cannes to Nice (which is where I lived before) and it's also about 30k. And when I was an au pair, distance never once stopped me having fun. (Seriously. One day I will write a book about my French Riviera Memories and you will see that we once walked 10k just to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 in English).

Secondly, (after giving it some consideration) I have decided that I am not worried about living alone either. Actually, it's perfect. When I was an au pair, my friends and I spent half our lives wishing one of us had a flat to ourselves, rather than having to always rely our host families' (for weekends when we wanted to escape). Maybe if I meet some au pairs out there it'll be perfect if they want to crash somewhere for the weekend! Although admittedly, it isn't exactly ideal in terms of location for socialising...

Which makes the situation a bit of a catch-22.

But I refuse to believe that living alone will be as terrifying as I'm envisaging it will be. It's just that I can't grasp the concept yet because I've never lived alone before. And I have never wanted to live alone!

Aside from all this news on the accommodation front, not much new stuff has been happening. I am surprised at how much I'm enjoying being back at home. It has been fun seeing old friends from college, hanging out with my sisters but also meeting some new friends! So far I have actually gotten to know a few people in our small neighbour Heaton Moor, from going to a church Heaton Moor Evangelical Church, in our area.

I'm only beginning to realise how much there is in Manchester (and its surrounding areas) now I am back here for a bit. In some ways (although my beloved Southampton will always – or at least for now – hold a dear place in my heart) I'm starting to think maybe Manchester holds a little bit of space for me somewhere in my heart too.

I realised something today. Over the past three years, I've put a whole lot of energy and passion into learning languages and going abroad. Many times I don't even see 'going home for the summer' as an option – it's always 'the last resort that I don't want to resort to'.

And I have had lots of fun going abroad and au pairing. It's really changed me – I am much, much more confident than I used to be. Maybe cause I've been out of my comfort zone with relation to making friends and also communicating!

But I realised today that I haven't really 'set up home' in any of these places I've been to. Even Nice,
although I spent a year there, was not exactly 'setting up home'. My home is here; much to my disgruntlement. (is that a word?) I've always wanted to 'set up home' abroad – always. I can't explain it to myself, I've just always like that was where I belong. But the honest truth?

Being abroad is tough. I realised that this summer – finally! No matter how much you want to be abroad and set up your life there, being a foreigner in a foreign land still isn't easy. There are many reasons why.

And yet, here I am realising this now as I am about to head off abroad once more. I almost feel like holding up my hands and saying “ENOUGH!!” and hoping someone will say “ don't have to go abroad AGAIN Rachel. You've done enough time doing French in France. Just write your dissertation in French and you can finish your degree, no year abroads required.”

I do feel a little weary – three years and I all I've been doing is focusing on where I can go abroad! That feels like all I have been doing. It's not that I want to 'settle down' – I would just rather go abroad somewhere and commit to 2 or 3 years there – maybe more. I've done the 'exchange' thing – just staying somewhere a few months at a time.

But I do think this year is going to be good. Who knows, it might eventually even help me to find a job (that's the dream after graduating!). And I can't complain because I'll be getting paid AND I'll be in lovely France speaking lovely French.

I just hope that this year will restore my (slightly-wobbly-after-this-summer) faith in being abroad.

Time will tell.

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